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Southern Africa Office

Office Hours
Monday - Friday
8am - 5pm
12 Wingate Crescent, Sunningdale, Cape Town, South Africa
+27 (0)21 557 6020

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document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
    // Find all forms with data-captcha="false" attribute
    const formsToDisableCaptcha = document.querySelectorAll('[data-captcha="false"] form');

    formsToDisableCaptcha.forEach(function(form) {
        // Example of disabling captcha by removing its element or modifying its properties
        const captchaField = form.querySelector('.captcha-token'); // Update with the actual captcha class or ID
        if (captchaField) {
            // Remove captcha element or disable its functionality
            captchaField.remove();  // Option 1: Remove the captcha element entirely

            // Option 2: If you need to send an empty or default value instead of removing
            // captchaField.value = ''; 

        // Additional logic if needed to handle form submission or other tasks
Your form has successfully been submitted!